
Welcome to Owner Property Smart Card

Here We Can Create Our Own Property Smart Card and in this Property Card We Can Avail all types of Services by OPS Card Mentioned Below.


Welcome to Owner Property Smart Card

Here We Can Create One Smart Card for Multiple Properties and in this Property Card We Can Avail all types of Services by OPS Card Mentioned Below.


Welcome to Owner Property Smart Card

Here We Can Create OTP Safe and Secure Owner Property Smart Card and in this Property Card We Can Avail all types of Services by OPS Card Mentioned Below.


We help people to convert their property documents into a Digital smart card

A unique concept of Owner Property Smart Card was founded in October 2018, soon the company was registered in the year 2025, Owner Property Smart Card is an avant-garde Property Management Solutions provider that initiates to transform the existing issues in the real estate environment worldwide, starting with India. The product was officially rolled out on 21st March 2025.

In the coming five years, we are aiming to eradicate paper irregularities, property frauds, land grabbing, lethargic bank financing processes, and wastage of paper, therefore, saving a huge amount of time, money, fuel, paper, and trees for our next generation.

Product & Services

Need for Property Smart Card…

We have been helping people with their property management solutions for a very long time and this time we are happily providing a property smart card that will help every property holder to maintain their documents in just one card. For a better understanding of our products please go through this wonderful video which will help you to understand the concept of an OWNER PROPERTY SMART CARD.



Use your computer to eliminate paper. Adopt E-technologies. Write communications on letterhead templates in your word processing software. Incorporate an always up-to-date letterhead design on all letters, thereby eliminating outdated, leftover paper letterhead stock. Print forms and memos directly from the computer instead of using pre-printed forms.



Use both sides of the sheet of paper, whether for copying or printing. (Check for high opacity on lighter weight printing sheets.) Print double-sided for bills, applications, licenses, and other paper-intensive activities. Provide half-size sheets for short memos and letters. Reduce printing paper basis weight. Saves both paper and postage costs. Reduce size of printed piece (but make sure you don’t increase the amount of trim waste created). Purchase printers and copiers that can easily duplex. Program the defaults to double-sided.



Use the blank sides of unneeded single-sided copies for printing drafts. Use inter-office envelopes with address lines on both sides, then put labels over them when they fill up and send them out again. Reuse incoming envelopes in good condition for your own correspondence. Use large address labels to cover the original information.

Our Great Team

Paul Miles
Development Lead
Melisa Marcus
Creative Head
James Nilson
Python Export
James Nilson
Python Export

Video demo
